Friday, May 4, 2007

I cry for polar bears..

No really, I do.
For some reason the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" made me teary-eyed. Not every single second of the movie but there were parts where I was like wow this is crazy. Global warming is not something new to me. I've known about it, I semi-care about it, and thats why I'm in a class dedicated to it. For me my energy in the environment class was the last thing I wanted to take. I do care about the environment and I do care about being green..however I hate science. From all the classes I could have chosen this one seemed like, and this is not to demote the class, the easiest. I guess it was also the easiest one to relate to and care about because it's going on here and now.
I had to watch this movie for class. I didn't really care much to see it but now that I have, I recommend it to everyone. It's a real eye opener. I mean we hear about global warming everyday. We have also come to see the effects of it close up and personal, so to speak. It's something not many of us concern ourselves with but something that is of great importance. I believe that people, Americans in general, are very preoccupied with the here and now, including myself. If it's not happening today, tomorrow, or somewhere in the near future we don't care about it. Really, that needs to change. People need to be willing to change their lifestyles to save the lives of others. And really, in the long run, or perhaps sooner than you think, whole species will be going extinct due to global warming. In my life time I will see the horrible effects from global warming and perhaps even in my parents life time. It's scary.
When I have kids, they may never be able to see what a real polar bear looks like, even if it is in a cage in a zoo. They won't know how massive the creature was or how amazing. It'll be a thing in the past.
I know people think well the earth goes through these changes, we have ice ages, it's normal. Sure, it's normal but not at such a rapid rate. And, personally, I'm embarassed of myself and Americans when it comes to this. Every advanced country except for the US and Austrilia are on top of their emissions and are making effort to make a change. And, out of all the countries IN THE WORLD, including that of China and India, whose populations more than doubles ours, release less pollutants. We have cause 30.7% of the global warming that is occuring on Earth. It's terrible. We, my generation, as the new CEOs, the new Presidents, the new Soldiers, the new adults..need to really start paying attention to this topic. It's a global effort and we need to join in.
Watch the'll understand!

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